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His Disciples Heard, Believed, and Obeyed

God has been writing on the tablets of hearts for millennia, but the watchmen have been asleep on the wall, the runners have been distracted. God has been writing on the tablets of hearts for millennia, but the watchmen have been asleep on the wall, the runners have...

Worship in Spirit and In Truth

Speaking of worship….. John 4- Jesus and the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well in Sychar…. 19 “Sir,” the woman said, “I can see that you are a prophet. 20 Our ancestors worshiped on this mountain, but you Jews claim that the place where we must worship is in...

Prophesy Repentance

Jeremiah Johnson reports a prophetic dream he had while meditating on Matthew 7:22-24. It is from an article published in Charisma magazine and reported in a newsletter from Intercessors For America. His message is of a lopsided gospel that works great signs and...

Taking Hits

When one says that “God told me to do …..” it would be prudent to spend some serious time in prayer and in the Word and ask oneself am I prepared to be used by God as a good example or even as a horrible warning, as God might choose or allow? As a vessel of...