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Winds of Change

From 2/19/2022: I am in one of those weird spots in which I know God is doing something…. I can feel it in my bones…(Yes, I’ve gotten old enough to feel things in my bones!) There are definitely some things stirring. Can’t put my finger on it,...

Less Is More

Last year at this time we were evaluating our present Titus 2 residential facility utilization and determined that our utilization of bed/ nights had declined, stays had shortened, and fewer calls for long term care were being received.  In the first quarter we made...

When Time Is No More

“The present is the point at which time touches eternity.” ⏤ C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters I think one of the sweetest, most precious memories of a time with the Lord was the moment He revealed to me that the instant I received Him into my heart was...

Good Old Days

Sept 28,2020 Word for today from Ecclesiastes 7:10: “Do not say, “Why were the old days better than these?” For it is not wise to ask such questions.” Keep your focus on today. Each day is a gift. Open it. Enjoy it. Be blessed by it. Be a blessing to someone else...