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Mental Health Stigma In Church

from 7/17/21: A friend posted a very good, sensitive, and encouraging post about being understanding and kind to people who take mental health medications. This has been one of my soapbox issues for many years. Telling people that if they “took care of themselves”, or...

Pentecost Past

From June 4,2017 How appropriate that I should find myself being discontinued from Provisional Deacon status, ending my 9- year pursuit of ordained ministry, on Pentecost Sunday by the Alabama West Florida Conference tonight on recommendation of the Board of Ministry...

When Prayers Merge

This morning as I contemplated my prayer life, I realized that 2 decades-long-standing matters of prayer for me have been the cause of pro-life and renewal in The UMC … Both of those prayer matters have broadened and matured into larger prayer foci for me. This...

Goodness of God

The observation below was from 2016….. many times since then the Spirit has moved greatly in my life, at Titus 2, at Lynn Haven UMC and big changes are on the horizon for The UMC and the global church. So many things have changed. Good things continue to be...

Institutional Church

Anyone who’s been around us “church people” (or any kind of people, for that matter!) for any length of time know about “people pleasing” and “tickling ears”. While clergy may have enjoyed a sense of “control” over...