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Digital Scream

“The Scream” From post on 11/8/21……. Nothing has changed. “May I just say I abhor government websites that are necessary to do any transaction at every level- city, county, state, and federal. My chest tightens and I hyperventilate trying...

To My Dearly Loved Child….

1/5/2014. By Joanna Lynn, Criwned With Beauty Blog My dearly loved child, You are so precious to Me and I love you more than you can ever realize. I want to be a part of everything in your life. But I love you so much that I allow you the gift of deciding what you...

Jesus and Journal Notes

Jesus Christ chose to come to us to show us the depth and steadfastness of God’s love AND the demands of his righteous justice, while taking upon himself the price required by that justice upon his own body. I am without words to express my own gratitude and love for...

Old Women Reading

I have a limited edition print (75/500) called “The Old Woman” painted by Mary Shelton Burson in 1982. The date on the print is 11/20/1990. You can see she is sitting in a wheelbarrow reading something. I bought it, probably in 1990, from a friend who was...
Thinking About a “Word-Shaped World”

Thinking About a “Word-Shaped World”

God spoke all creation into being. I was reading a discussion thread about journaling. Many people journal their thoughts about their study of the Bible or about their observations of God at work in the world. In the discussion group individuals were advised to “know...