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Sin Hidden, Pain Multiplied

3/10/2017 A  young man with whom Bill and I had some personal experience in our work with the Rescue Mission 4-5 years ago and who later continued his efforts in substance abuse recovery through another men’s program was sentenced to 30 years in prison yesterday...

Unstuck: The Muck of Grief

My daughter in law shared this from Stasi Eldredge about grief. Like many others, I know the feeling of slogging through “knee deep mud” in the middle of grief. Some images are so vivid. I can remember a day when I was about 6 or 7. I headed to my...

This Isn’t Recovery

Recovery is “a process of change through which people improve their health and wellness, live self-directed lives, and strive to reach their full potential.” (US government, as defined by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.” In...

Ebenezer: A Stone In My Pocket

Ten of us were at the Women’s Grief Gathering at Lynn Haven UMC today. This was our 4th monthly meeting. We explored ways in which we think about the presence of our grief with us through the lens of metaphors….. similar to the ways in which the Bible...

Fountain of Tears

How else would one welcome guests to Grand Falls Lane but with a waterfall! The waterfall may not be all that grand, but the fact that its abode is all ours, free and clear is pretty grand, thanks to the love and wisdom of my partner of 48 years! I know he’s got his...

One Year Ago Today….

Walking through our mostly empty home on Deerpoint Lake, getting it ready to turn over to a new family, and trying to adapt to new quarters with anxious pets have left me feeling very vulnerable and sad today. It’s like the closing of one more door on something...