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Moving forward…..

The last two weeks have been a blur. I worked a men’s retreat the weekend of August 26-28. There was a hurricane moving into the Gulf of Mexico so my husband, who works at a TV station, had to stay home to help with the round the clock weather coverage...

God’s country……

I have a friend who is a retired pastor. He was our family pastor for about a year when our children were young. Through the years we’ve come to realize what a profound impact he had on our spiritual formation during that year that we were under his care. He...

Care for a Godiva?

The legendary (?) story of Lady Godiva (whose name means ‘gift of God’), the beautiful wife of Leofric III (968 – 1057), Earl of Mercia and lord of Coventry, is an interesting one. The people of Mercia were terribly burdened by the earl’s oppressive...

satan’s cleverness…..

Sometime back I heard a radio preacher comment that satan is not creative. He doesn’t need to be. The tools he has he uses very effectively. There is no need for any new ones. This week I was ambushed. Satan used a tool on me that he has used very effectively...

The memory of pain, the pain of memory……

It’s been said, and I mostly agree, that the pain of childbirth is forgotten in the joy of the new arrival. My experience with childbirth and other physical pains is that one can remember that the experience hurt, but the memory of the pain itself is not acute...

Conflict of interests…..

My husband and I have been in a ‘new to us’ home for about six months. I had made a resolution to try and be more attentive to the plants at this home, which has a lovely yard. I had even begun to nurture some very nice potted plants in the lanai on a...