About the Author
Cathy Boyd Byrd invites others to join her in considering topics of interest to those on the Christian spiritual journey…..discipleship, spirituality, mental health, Christian growth, and Bible study. Cathy enjoys working with others as they transition from emotional emergency and brokenness to spiritual emergence and abundant living! Many of the topics about which Cathy writes are interrelated as experienced in her own life and in the lives of those with whom she works in counseling, teaching, and case management, and in friendships. She believes that sharing our journey of Christian growth and spirituality helps us know God and ourselves better and connects us with others!
Cathy is a Christian Educator and Life Recovery Counselor, and an ordained deacon through Christian Leaders Institute. She serves as Community Outreach MInister at Lynn Haven United Methodist Church. She is a student (disciple) of the Holy Spirit and shares with her students (disciples) the things the Lord teaches her through Bible study and contemplation, incorporating experiences interpreted through the Word, cherished traditions of her faith, and reasoning that comes from seeking the mind of Christ in accountable community. She was widowed in August 2020 after 48 years of marriage to Bill Byrd, is mother of 2 and grandmother of 5. Her journey of faith has been lifelong and continues to be an adventure with the trailblazer and guide, Jesus Christ!
Cathy is the founder and program manager for a Christian women’s residential life recovery program, Titus 2 Partnership, Inc.(www.titus2.life) in Panama City, Florida.
Determined Even Then
(CBB 8/31/22) Does anything say, "Go ahead, underestimate me….let's see what happens"….. than the slight forward lean of the torso and head, set of the jaw, scrutinizing look of the eyes, Mona Lisa-esque non-committal mouth, and crossed arms of this 10 year old?? LOL. I never noticed how determined …. or vaguely defiant…. I seem to be. I suspect this is my resting look, even now. No wonder so many view me as a daunting "extra grace required" personality!! I'm not even sure what I'm thinking there…..maybe,"Let's get this over with… I have other things waiting at grandmas house… like playing...
August 27, 2024. 4:44a.m.
My eyes opened as my waking consciousness stirred from slumber. I looked toward the ceiling at the red projection of the time from the bedside clock. My Mother had given it to Bill and me as a Christmas gift at some point in the last ten or so years. ”4:44”- an auspicious moment. The peace in my spirit was confirmed. “This is the way forward. Walk in it.” the last three and a half weeks had been a blur. Circumstances were set in place after a definitive moment . Then a blur of rapid fire decisions were presented to me. Each one of them setting in place the next one. I hardly had to think. It...
Deleting subscribers….
It appears that this blog has been hit by a large number of bots….fake users intended to take down the system . Therefore I am deleting all subscribers at this time. Those of you who are real persons will know where to fine me.😊
More Praise for Bees
🐝Some interesting facts about bees 🐝 Here are 20 interesting facts about the importance of honey and bees: Did you know that honey never spoils? Archaeologists have found pots of honey in ancient Egyptian tombs that are over 3,000 years old and still perfectly edible! Did you know bees are essential for growing many of our foods? They pollinate about one-third of the food we eat, including fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Did you know honey has natural healing properties? It can help soothe sore throats and even speed up the healing of wounds and burns due to its antibacterial qualities. Did...
More Support for Therapeutic Laughter
“Theologian Reinhold Niebuhr once wrote, “Humor is, in fact, a prelude to faith; and laughter is the beginning of prayer.”2 Now, of course, many circumstances are not laughing matters; for those, only faith is up to the task. But often, when faced with challenges and even suffering, as those folks fighting cancer knew, a good sense of humor can be key. Laughter can defuse tension in our relationships, release stress, and remind us not to take ourselves too seriously. In the process, it also opens up space for joy! Why not give it a try today? The next time a friend or family member irritates...
Attachment: The Near Enemy of Love
“The near enemy of love is attachment. Attachment masquerades as love. It says, I will love this person because I need them. Or, I'll love you if you'll love me back. I'll love you, but only if you will be the way I want. This isn't love at all - it is attachment - and attachment is rigid, it is very different from love.”Jack Kornfield A “near enemy” is an emotion or circumstance that feels enough like the real thing to be confused with it but is actually rooted in a very different motive or desire. If unrecognized for a lesser truth and embraced as the real thing, it becomes the obstacle...
“Can anything good come from Nazareth?”
Hugh Ross observed: “I’ve been asked many questions about the prophecy in Matthew 2:23, "So was fulfilled what was said through the prophets: 'He will be called a Nazarene.'" The apparent problem is that there's no Old Testament text explicitly stating the Messiah would be called a Nazarene. First, having conversation this fulfilled prophecy claim is found only in Matthew. Matthew's gospel is distinct from the other 3 (Mark, Luke, & John) in that it targets Jews & others well versed in the Old Testament. Second, Matthew refers to prophets, rather than a named prophet. If Matthew...
No Faith In People
“There is only one Being who can completely satisfy to the absolute depth of the hurting human heart, and that is the Lord Jesus Christ. Our Lord is so obviously uncompromising with regard to every human relationship because He knows that every relationship that is not based on faithfulness to Himself will end in disaster. Our Lord trusted no one, and never placed His faith in people, yet He was never suspicious or bitter. Our Lord’s confidence in God, and in what God’s grace could do for anyone, was so perfect that He never despaired, never giving up hope for any person. If our trust is...
Against the Flow
Long before The Chosen's signature logo of fish swimming against the flow, I was choosing to swim against the flow that carried many with it…. The more I seek to live in step with Jesus, the more contrary to the world I find myself thinking and going. From 2016 memories: “Years ago I saw this cartoon. It struck me as funny and spoke to me somehow. I clipped it, put it in my journal and I have saved it all these years. The name "Cathy" was my own addition and I reproduced it in powerpoint in order to be able to use it in a presentation. I know that I sometimes swim against the stream, but...
NT Allusions To OT Noted- Article in TGC
𝐊𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐁𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐀𝐥𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 When I watch Marvel movies with my kids, we’re always on the hunt for Easter eggs, those glaring references or subtle nods to other Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) properties. Some references are so blatantly obvious that viewers can pick up on the connections immediately. Subtle references often require multiple viewings. Easter eggs are the tissue that binds each Marvel movie to the MCU’s larger story. In a similar way, New Testament authors embedded Easter eggs in their writings. They allude to the Old Testament 3,000 to 4,000 times. For example, the book...