3/18/2020……. Reflections I have had several women come into Titus 2 who have told me that the reason they got sober was because God told them, in no uncertain terms, at a critical point in their addiction that, if they continued, they would die. While it...
From Luke 4:5-7……the satan’s second temptation of Jesus: 5 The devil led him up to a high place and showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world. 6 And he said to him, “I will give you all their authority and splendor; it has been...
An individual asked: What do you feel are the experiences, new learning and resources that Titus 2 provides that result in an environment in which women overcome their addiction and take advantage of your assistance to greater self sufficiency? Are there key...
It seems that this is the second time in this Lent series that Dan Wilt, author of Jesus in the Wild, has referenced a personal experience of being on a high place, a tempting prominence where the view is breathtaking, and the heady (and frightening) feeling it can...
So blessed to receive this photo from our youngest granddaughter who spotted this beautiful male cardinal outside the library window at her university today. Said it made her think of me….❤️ what a sweet way to be remembered…. from 3/12/22...
From 3/12/22…. Getting a letter from this source is always a bit angst-provoking. To receive two in the same day is doubly angst- provoking. In 2019 , with all the aftermath of Hurricane Michael, we simply weren’t able to get things together by...
I am discipling a middle-age woman with no childhood experience of religious practice but a growing realization that the only way she is going to gain power over her addiction of 25+ years is through Christ. (She has been in 7 recovery programs and multiple detoxes in...
Discerning the enemy’s ways and rejecting them can take a long time and hard experience. Dan Wilt’s lingering reflections on the opening verses of Luke 4 in the Wake Up Call at seedbed.com have given me time to reflect on some of those experiences in my...
Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, left the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, where for forty days he was tempted by the devil. He ate nothing during those days, and at the end of them he was hungry. Luke 4:1–2 (NIV) Dan Wilt writes in...
40 Days: From Poverty To Purpose When confronted with desperate poverty of spirit one comes face to face with the brokenness of her life, and mourns the death of illusion and facade that hid the truth, where she is comforted and invited into a healing and...