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Choral Praise

After listening to the beautiful choral arrangement of “I Am No Longer My Own”, I have spent some time today listening to “At His Name”- a choir musical. I miss choir music in church. For those of us raised singing in choirs, doing so is truly...

Art and Life

Master Artists exhibition at Laguna Beach Christian Retreat with Titus 2 friends:  2/21/2015   I took my book about the painting- “Forgiven” by Thomas Blackshear, that my daughter gave me for Mother’s Day in 1997 with me to an art show in...


I am neither a “glass-half-empty” nor a “glass-half-full” kind of gal. I am a “the glass-can-always-be-refilled” kind of gal. That is an optimism that arises from confidence in the Source and Content, not confidence in the...

Serendipitous Referral

2/21/16   I was in the cleaners picking up laundry on a Tuesday and a law enforcement officer came in needing a new pair of uniform pants hemmed by Friday. The cleaners couldn’t have them done before Monday. I told him I knew a young lady who sews well . We...


What does being in “covenant” with someone mean to you? Answering one another’s calls or emails? Being available to assist or provide guidance in times of need? Offering concerns about one another’s conduct promptly? Being willing to help seek...

Guarded Hearts

I was with one of my brothers and my sister and we were talking about things we heard our Father say when we were growing up, sayings that were repeated often to us. It reminded me of this section of Solomon’s wisdom to his son about “guarding one’s...

Expecting “Perfect”

I’ve been having some ❤️2 ❤️ conversations with an individual who has struggled with relapses- a bad relationship, a chemical substance, a negative way of thinking….but the conclusion she’s arrived at is that much of it boils down to self-sabotage and repeated...

Not Freedom “From” Only……

Not freedom FROM, but freedom TO exercise wisdom and godly choices. The higher responsibility to which grace calls the faithful is the Spirit of the Law, which is much higher than the Letter of the Law. This is what Christ means by saying He came to fulfill the Law,...

Long-Haul Living

From 2/19/2022….. Another birthday. Another day of gratitude. In life for the long-haul…. Blessed to be living long enough to KNOW God’s redemption personally in so many ways , to see it in the lives of others, and to have been given the ability to see it...