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Long-Haul Living

From 2/19/2022….. Another birthday. Another day of gratitude. In life for the long-haul…. Blessed to be living long enough to KNOW God’s redemption personally in so many ways , to see it in the lives of others, and to have been given the ability to see it...

Poetry: Tolkien On Spring

I love the imagery of trees, green, spring things …How wonderful is imagination that we can carry such things in our mind’s eye even when they cannot be seen with the eyes!  

Winds of Change

From 2/19/2022: I am in one of those weird spots in which I know God is doing something…. I can feel it in my bones…(Yes, I’ve gotten old enough to feel things in my bones!) There are definitely some things stirring. Can’t put my finger on it,...
Reptilian Brain

Reptilian Brain

Perhaps why satan is portrayed as a serpent in the garden????? Interestingly, as Dr. Curt Thompson talks about brain development, he describes the initial neurological development in humans as “reptilian”….it is the basic. elemental...

What Are We Waiting For?

It draws me close to Christ, the way Jd Walt of’s daily Wake Up Call takes us into the Word and gives us choice morsels which feed our spiritual appetites…… zooming into this scene for a close up of Jesus’ hands filling the baskets...


I am neither a theologian nor an academic. I am not called to preach. I am not called to persuade anyone. I am a follower of Jesus Christ and a lover of all the ways in which Christ is revealed. I am called to teach and want to share the ways in which God leads me to...

Blessing In Banding

What can be discovered in small accountable, confessional “banding” together (in the Wesleyan sense) for Christian spiritual growth: Romans 15:14 14 Personally I am convinced about you, my brothers and sisters, that you yourselves are full of goodness,...
Tall Tower

Tall Tower

Why is a water tank up high? It is pumped into from a well or collects rainwater to mete out to those in need within the reach of its flow. Then it releases water vertically downward with enough force that when water hits the bottom it is forced out horizontally into...