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Dream Insights: Demonic Struggle

7/20/23- I had a very vivid and strange dream early this morning around 2:30.  When I awakened from it I thought about the details for a minute and knew I’d remember them, so I returned to sleep. The Dream I was in bed like I was in an inn or cabin-type guest...

New Respect For A Bumble Bee

During a month of prayer and fasting we have been focusing on the theme “Preparing the Way”.  It suggests an active endeavor on our parts.  And certainly there is a lot of activity underway in preparation for our move to our new church facility....
“Flights of Fancy” Dreams of Change

“Flights of Fancy” Dreams of Change

Dream Experience recorded 9/12/2020: “Strangest dream ever! Somehow I was selected for an ultra, super-duper spa day in Philadelphia. Made to believe it was very exclusive and one was special to be chosen to do it. I had to go to an interview for it. When I was...