Pastor Craig Carter’sessage today at LHUMC- Crucifying Excuses….. When Christ said “Follow me!” , few realized the destination ahead…. but Jesus never hid the truth. Luke 9:22-23 It will require PERSONAL SACRIFICE- are you ready to...
Latin admonere “bring to mind, remind, suggest;” also “warn, advise, urge,” from ad- “to” + monere “advise, warn” Admonish: to caution, advise, or counsel against something; to reprove or scold. We urge you, brethren,...
In counseling with a woman in relapse to drugs she said, “I’m a good person.” That is an attempt to excuse and justify her addiction. Every time I hear that statement the thought occurs, “Compared to whom?” The only standard of comparison for a believer is Christ....
Like the unamed “rich young ruler” in the Gospels, anything one is unwilling to surrender for the sake of following Christ becomes the source and basis of one’s identity…….. and is her true god. It may be a relationship, material security, vanity, sexuality,...