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A memory shared from Mar. 27, 2014: “May 1983- 2 couples died in a plane crash near Montgomery, AL in route home from a vacation…..Gloria Galloway was one of those people. She was a classy and kind lady, someone I admired. She and Michael left behind two...

Do no harm……..

Greek philosopher Hippocrates has been considered the “Father of Medicine”.  His tenets have been embodied in the oath that new physicians recite upon graduation from education to practice of medicine.  The Hippocratic school lists this as part of its...

Trauma, Comfort, Hope, and Peace

There is a lot of conversation around the issue of trauma-informed care these days for counselors, pastors, and others. My own experience of a traumatic event led me to discover some key principles in dealing with trauma in those I counsel. It is always the case that...