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Just Another Day’s News

I heard a political commentator talking about this week’s mid-term election results that continue to show just how intractably divided our populace is… Both the House and Senate are razor thin margins, neither party having a clear-cut mandate. She said,...

“Don’t Believe In Divorce”

from 2017: Can someone explain this to me, please? I have had more than a few women tell me, when asked about their family status…..Children? “Yes” Marital status? “Single” Divorced? “No. I don’t believe in divorce.”...

Spring Break Traffic

I was in Dothan, just south of the Walmart when traffic headed north backed up because of a multi car accident. I could see at least 5 LEO vehicles in the median and left lane and a tow truck in the left lane. I was already in the far right lane. Maybe 30-35 cars were...

A Failure of Parenting

A SILENT TRAGEDY There is a silent tragedy that is unfolding today in our homes, and concerns our most precious jewels: our children. Our children are in a devastating emotional state! In the last 15 years, researchers have given us increasingly alarming statistics on...

Hazard Duty

I was sitting next to a friend at a luncheon and the subject of teachers with guns in schools came up. She, a former teacher, said, “They took the Bible out of the classroom. Then they took paddles away from the teachers. Now they want to give teachers...

Philosophy and Laughter

At Saturday’s Women’s Grief Gathering on February 19,2022, we talked about the therapeutic value of laughter during our discussion time. This article by Jonah Goldberg, who is quite funny himself, points out some interesting historical perspective on humor...