This is how I experienced the onset of mid-life….turning away from the grief of regrets about the past and a feeling that the best part of my life was behind me to the joy of grandchildren. It is wonderful to watch another generation grow up! Each child is...
“Every ideal is a judge. So you posit an ideal and instantly you’re in an inferior position in relationship to that ideal and that can be crushing. Okay, so what do you do about that? Well, one answer is no ideals. Well that’s not a good answer because...
From 8/7/2022 Excerpt from Jonah Goldberg this week….The Goldberg File “Bonfire of the Asininities” It’s an excellent opinion piece if you have access to the whole thing, read it! “.. I was once a producer for a TV show called...
I remember reading Helen Rosevear’s story in Dr. Charles Stanley’s In Touch Magazine many years ago. It still has power.Can you Thank Me? An interview with Helen Roseveare by Tonya Stoneman Helen Roseveare had just graduated from medical school when she...
Consider THIS from a Friend: “If you doubt that GOD could love you and still allow you to experience difficulties in life, look at JESUS’ life. Born sinless, went 33 years without sinning 1 time, GOD spoke aloud 2 times saying how proud HE was of HIM....
CBB 8/6/2017 When asked what programs “work”, my response is that any of them work, if one actually works the program. Readiness and commitment are vital….. After missing a couple of days with students due to a cold this week I went to Titus 2...
From 8/6/17- Shared by Kimmy Hoffman Brown How much do you know? HEDONISM VERSUS CHRISTIANITY Hedonism has continued as a significant philosophy, and more important, as a pattern of life, up to this day. One thing should be noted here: hedonism is a secular...
I had previously explored the cultural deception revealed through common use of language that would have one think of herself as primarily identifying with the physical self in the physical realm Not So Little Things…. and the need to think biblically instead of...
In every one of the Gospel accounts Jesus told his followers to GO! Go and make disciples….go and preach…go and proclaim the kingdom….go and bear fruit…. The Gospel is an action-focused imperative to GO. Matthew 28:19: Therefore GO and make...
A beautiful reflection by Sarah Westfall……. worth the read. I remember the year I was 29 was much like this, full of uncertainty. I wish turning 30 had resolved it, but I spent much of my 30’s like the dandelion seeds, blowing in the wind. It would...