“Equally yoked?” (Sermons on relationships by a popular Atlanta area pastor, Andy Stanley resulted in reflection on this idea on 2017.) One way to think about it is to be about becoming the kind of person that the person one is looking for is looking...
Read 2 months into COVID-19 pandemic….. From Columbia University Psychiatry by way of Medscape: What is crisis counseling? A person’s usual adaptive, problem-solving capabilities are often compromised after a disaster, but they are there, and if accessed,...
Are you ever listening to music on the radio and suddenly a word or phrase jumps out at you that leads you to something you hadn’t seen , heard, or considered before? This morning as I listened to a Christian station, a song “Graves Into Gardens” came on and I heard...
Spurgeon Three things I shall speak of this morning: first, the ear to be disciplined: secondly, the tongue to be educated: thirdly, a lesson in the text to be practised. May the Holy Spirit bless the whole subject to us. I. If we would be found really useful and...
Mike Huckabee’s post today is a keeper…. It’s Easter weekend and a great time to be reminded of one of the most wonderful sermons I ever heard. It was first delivered by Shadrach Meshach Lockridge, who from 1952 until 1993 was pastor of the Calvary Baptist...
Perseverance was yet again on my heart today, as it was 7 years ago!…..and part of my devotional reading and writing from April 7, 2016 reminds me of it. “Persevere and finish the race” my husband’s words as he arrived home from his Thursday...
i went to see Angel Studio’s “His Only Son” movie this week. Now I need to go see it again. At one point as Abraham knelt in humility and heartbreak before the Angel of the Lord, the theophany of God, His hand reached out to him in what appeared to...
I have a young friend who receives motivational texts daily through an app she downloaded. Today as I drove her to work she said, “Some days my motivational text isn’t very motivating, like this one today!” (See below.) Her motivational text and her...
John Fenn of KWOWI (Kids Without Walls I International) offers a great perspective for this day snd the days to come! What “Is Risen” Means” Early Christians in Rome were buried outside the city in the catacombs. A catacomb is an underground...
Our Seedbed.com Wake Up Call devotional this morning was on the final verse of Luke 4: “When the devil had finished every temptation, he left Him until an opportune time.” It caused me to reflect on opportunism, as I have before when thinking about the satan’s...