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There are certain points in the faith journey that resonate with those who embark on it. Reading about the life of Oswald Chambers tonight I came across this gem: While in a church meeting as a college student he stood and said, “Either Christianity is a...

Christian Hospitality In Community

3/19/2017   The Islamic Society cooked the breakfast yesterday at the Community Breakfast (now in its 4th or 5th year) and served the guests side by side with the rest of us regular volunteers. The organizers of breakfast have generally given the privilege of...

Interdependence: What Teamwork Looks Like

One lesson learned during Hurricane Michael was the value of teamwork and process. Now we seem to be having to apply all of those lessons again in all this COVID 19 chaos. What that teamwork looks like depends on one’s own internal and external resources and the...

Wesley Trusted God

Where would the Methodist movement be today if John Wesley had failed to respond to circumstances and had failed to yield to the need of those to whom his movement was ministering, and deferring to the need of the movement in the American colonies rather than...

Rich Mullins

3/18/2018 Listening to some of Rich Mullins’ live concerts with Bill……vulnerable, honest, broken, used by God. “One of the reasons I love the Bible is that the people in the Bible are not very refined….they’re pretty goofy when it...

Raggedy Ann

“A ragamuffin knows he’s only a beggar at the door of God’s mercy.” Bill and I are watching the story of Rich Mullins….and the impact Brennan Manning had on him. Some are ragamuffins…..and God loves us just as we are! My Mother...


Scandalous…… Pastors seem to be only somewhat less likely to be involved in scandals these days than anyone else…….as attested to by some statistics in a recent sexual ethics workshop for clergy. People are still people, subject to the same...