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Measuring Energy

8/24/2016. CBB   I went for a massage today and was telling the massage therapist about my muscle aches and fever last week and that several folks had suggested fibromyalgia. One person on Facebook, however, had said, “Don’t receive that word.” Today the massage...

Values and Boundaries

  Our willingness to set or embrace boundaries is a function of the values we hold. It’s important to know what they are, which are non-negotiable and which are permeable and may be superceded by higher-ranking values. Titus 2 ladies today reviewed an...

Paul’s Audiences With Christ

“Hungering in my spirit is a testimony to the reality of my faith, a witness to the fact that I belong to God. Spiritual hunger is the requirement for your growth It will spur you on to growth in discipleship. Jesus consciously sought to divide his crowd, to...

People Can Change!

People do change! Maybe not always quickly, but eventually…I had gotten a call last week from a former student from several years ago who had completed all her work, gotten an associates degree while with us and had moved on with her life. The last time I heard from...

Why Empathy Is Important

“Some people think of empathy as a “soft” skill, but really it is the core of emotional intelligence, so it’s absolutely essential to positive relationships in the workplace (and everywhere). This thoughtful infographic reflects how little we usually know...

Trusting and Following

CBB 8/18/2021   “True growth most often begins with a growing sense of dissonance. We are dissatisfied with the way things are. We are not the person we hoped we would become by now. Unheeded, this discontent can lead anywhere from a numbing affluence to a...

Healthy Edible Weeds

I I’m saving this!  The way things are going in the world, I may need it.  At least it beats eating bugs!   THEY ARE CALLED WEEDS, BUT ARE SO HEALTHY Did you know that some weeds we are always worried about in our yards and Gardens are actually good for...

Deluge of Mercy

Spiritual awakening begins with a profound awareness of God’s awesome holiness on one side, our absolute sinfulness on the other, and our complete inability to bridge the chasm between the two. Only Jesus Christ can cover the gap. Revival always starts with the...