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Not Good Enough

An observation about a common “fear”- “Atelophobia is the fear of imperfection. It is a specific type of phobia, an anxiety disorder characterized by a persistent and excessive fear of an object or situation. With atelophobia, individuals tend to fear any type of...

Entropy: Turning Toward Transformation

Entropy is a measure of disorder and affects all aspects of our daily lives. In fact, “we can think of it as nature’s tax. Left unchecked disorder increases over time. … “ Oddly enough, the Greek root of this word translates to “a turning towards...


  Alexander Solzhenitzen was an outspoken critic of communism and helped to raise global awareness of political repression in the Soviet Union with his writings, including “The Gulag Archipelago” in 1973. He was exiled from Russia in 1974 for his...

Child Of God

From 8/11/ 2020   Simply “created by God” or actually also “children of God”? Jesus said not everyone is a child of the Father…. some have another father. The father is the one who influences our life, provides and guides, the standard- bearer, the one whom...

God Winks

CBB 8/11/2020   Some of you may grow weary of my reports of “God winks” and sweet reminiscences. God winks are those moments when one is keenly aware of God’s Presence and Power in the ordinary moments of life. It is a comfort and a gift to be able to experience...

Hidden In Christ

CBB 8/11/2020 A mighty worthy goal……How wonderful the world would be if we all could do this with one another! I find that looking for the Jesus in people helps……Sadly, instead of being “hidden in Christ”, we too often find that he...

Bill’s Personal Theology

From 8/11/2020 Bill Byrd’s personal theology was very much aligned with “grace”. He was quick to share with others the blessing of God’s grace in his life. “When we get grace, everything else is colored differently. There is no greater gift from God, and therefore no...

Confronted With Widowhood

“Care for the widows…..”. Oh, my. I had not registered that word and status in my brain yet until a neighbor brought lunch and texted this message…. “We will be bringing cooked food regularly … we will not forget. We are commanded by God to be your...

How Suffering Changes Perspective On Life

From 8/11/2021…CBB Last year as the US Covid deaths began to mount in the summer, time and time again in prayer I asked God, “How much more, Lord?” I had the sense there was a point of critical mass at which point something significant would have been learned...