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Megalodon and Great White Sharks

I saw a picture this week of what was reported to be the upper and lower jaws and teeth of megalodon compared to that of a much smaller contemporary great white shark and was reminded of some reflecting on the mystery of megalodon’s existence and extinction from...

On “Spiritual Experiences”

(A spiritual) “experience isn’t a possession to be coddled and stored, it’s an encounter with the indwelling Spirit that thrusts us further and deeper into the world……..John Wesley often asked his friends this question: “Is Christ...

Why We Accept So Few in Titus 2

You know, I’ve learned so much in these 15 years of working with women saying they want recovery. That is NOT the same as wanting to transform one’s life. If one can’t clearly state that she’s had enough of the old way and knows that...

Therapeutic Laughter Can Traumatize Pets

May 8,3021:   Poor little Winston is on high alert this morning. He was sitting by my chair as I was reading an individual’s lengthy minute by minute account of experiencing the prep process for a colonoscopy. I was laughing so hard I was snorting and tears were...

Worship in Spirit and In Truth

Speaking of worship….. John 4- Jesus and the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well in Sychar…. 19 “Sir,” the woman said, “I can see that you are a prophet. 20 Our ancestors worshiped on this mountain, but you Jews claim that the place where we must worship is in...

Legalism and License

I quoted something in another post which JD Walt had observed ….that love which is defined by feelings and behaviors has a way of becoming all about license or legalism. I will give you an example: At age 22 I was in a medical internship shared by another woman,...

Inheriting The Earth

Our Almighty Heavenly Abba Father owns all the cattle on a thousand hills (and everything else). He tells us that the meek will inherit the Earth (Matthew 5:5). That means that when we are submitted to his will, listening and attentive, when we are teachable and...

Google Daily Highlights

I get a chuckle out of Google’s daily tributes to individuals or events significant on the day’s date through it’s search portal. On this date, May 4th, a few years ago the honoree was Jane Jacobs, a Canadian and American journalist, author, and...

Aha Moments About Purpose

One of more than a few “aha” moments that have  converged for me is this: I am not a “social justice warrior”. That is the work of people with causes/issues for which to battle. I am an advocate whose task is to battle for a particular person...

God’s Perfect Timing

I will never again blow my horn at someone ahead of me who fails to jack-rabbit-start at a green light! ( I’ve never been real quick to do so as it seems a good way to get shot by someone with road rage in our world today.) I was on my way to a yoga class, in...